
WANG Baolong
Tel: 86-10-62786571
Fax: 86-10-62773461
E-mail: [email protected]


²        Research on  air conditioners and heat pump systems with high seasonal energy  efficiency

²        Numerical  simulation of air conditioner, refrigeration and heat pump equipment  oriented to performance optimization

²        Optimal design  and control of the thermal storage system used in HVAC



1995.09~2000.07  Department  of Thermal Engineering, Tsinghua university, B.S.

2000.09~2006.01  School of  Architecture, Tsinghua University, Ph.D



2006.04~2008.06  School of  Architecture, Tsinghua University, Post-doctor

2008.07~2011.11  School of  Architecture, Tsinghua University, Assistant Professor

2011.12~now     School of  Architecture, Tsinghua University, Associate Professor


²        Major  Experiments (30 students in Autumn)

²        Analysis on  Small Capacity Air-Conditioner and Refrigeration System (15 students in  Spring)

²        HVAC System  Design (30 students in Autumn)

²        New  Technologies in HVAC (30 students in Spring)



²        The Second  Award for Science and Technology Enhancement by Guangdong Province, 2012

²        Excellent  Paper Award in National HVAC Conference, 2011

²        Excellent  Paper Award for Youth in National HVAC Conference, 2006

²        Excellent  Paper Award by the Chinese Association of Refrigeration, 2007



²        International  Standard Organization, Refrigeration and Air conditioning Technical  Committee, Compressor testing and rating branch (ISO/TC86/SC4), expert  board

²        Chinese  Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Industry Association, Clean Room  Technical Committee, vice director

²        Beijing  Refrigeration Institute, Youth Committee, Member



Journal  Papers

[1]       Linjun Han,  Wenxing Shi, Baolong Wang, Penglei Zhang, Xianting Li. Development of an  integrated air conditioner with thermosyphon and the application in  mobile phone base station[J]. International Journal of Refrigeration,  2013, 36:58-69

[2]       Xianting Li,  Wei Wu, Xiaoling Zhang, Wenxing Shi, Baolong Wang, Energy saving  potential of low temperature hot water system based on air source  absorption heat pump, Applied Thermal Engineering, 48 (2012): 317-324

[3]       Wei Wu,  Xiaoling Zhang, Xianting Li, Wenxing Shi, Baolong Wang, Comparisons of  different working pairs and cycles on the performance of absorption heat  pump for heating and domestic hot water in cold regions, Applied Thermal  Engineering, 48 (2012): 349-358

[4]       Baolong Wang,  Linjun Han, Wenxing Shi, Xianting Li,Modulation method of the scroll  compressor based on suction gas bypass, Applied Thermal Engineering,  2012, 37 (2012) : 183-189 .

[5]       Baolong Wang,  Wenxing Shi, Linjun Han, Xianting Li,          Optimization of  refrigeration system with gas-injected scroll compressor, International  Journal of Refrigeration, 2009, 32 (7):1544-1554

[6]       Baolong Wang,  Wenxing Shi, Xianting Li, Numerical analysis on the effects of  refrigerant injection on the scroll compressor, Appl. Therm. Eng. V 29,  n 1, January 2009, p 37-46

[7]       Baolong Wang,  Wenxing Shi, Xianting Li, Qisen Yan, Numerical research on the scroll  compressor with refrigeration injection, Appl. Therm. Eng., 28(5-6),  2008, p 440-9.

[8]       Baolong Wang,  Xianting Li, Wenxing Shi and Qisen Yan. Design of experimental bench and  internal pressure measurement of scroll compressor with refrigerant  injection, International Journal of Refrigeration, V 30, Issue 1,  January 2007, Pages 179-186.

[9]       Baolong Wang,  Xianting Li, Wenxing Shi. A general geometrical model of scroll  compressors based on discretional initial angles of involute.  International Journal of Refrigeration, v 28, n 6, Sep 2005, p 958-966.

[10]    Wenxing Shi,  Baolong Wang, Xianting Li. A measurement method of ice layer thickness  based on Resistance-Capacitance circuit for closed loop external melt  ice storage tank. Applied Thermal Engineering, v 25, n 11-12, Aug 2005,  P 1697-1707.

[11]    Baolong Wang,  Xianting Li, Maoyong Zhang, Xudong Yang. Experimental investigation of  discharge performance and temperature distribution of an external melt  ice-on-coil ice storage tank. HVAC and R Research, v 9, n 3, July 2003,  p 291-308.



[1]       Qisen Yan  et.al, Application of Refrigeration Technology [M], Beijing: China  Architecture & Building Press, June, 2006.

[2]       Zhao Qingzhu  et.al, Thermal energy storage and system design [M], Beijing: China  Architecture & Building Press, May, 2012.

[3]       Shi Wenxing,  Wang Baolong et.al, Design of Small Capacity Air Conditioners and Heat  Pumps [M], Beijing: China Architecture & Building Press.


National  standards

[1]       GB/T  26194-2010, Performance testing methods of thermal energy storage system  [S]. (ranked 7/15)

[2]       GB/T  18517-2011, Refrigeration terminology [S]. (ranked 5/9)

[3]       GB/T, Positive  displacement CO2 refrigerating compressor performance testing conditions  and methods [S]. (Main editor.)



[1]       National  Science and Technology Supported Projects: Research on cogeneration  system for cooling, heating and domestic hot water supplement using  ground source heat pump and solar thermal collector (Number:  2011BAJ03B09-2), 1/2011-12/2015

[2]       National  Natural Science Foundation: Double-effect adjustment method of  refrigeration and heat pump system with scroll compressor based on  refrigerant injection and release (Grant Number: 51006059),  01/2011-12/2013

[3]       Oversea  Cooperation: Research & Development on Simple Building Energy Analysis  System based on EnergyPlus for Fast Energy Evaluation, 2011.7~2011.12,  Siemens

[4]       Oversea  Cooperation: Research on Building Energy Efficient Control Strategy and  The Application Experiments on CT Building Test-bed, 2010.7~2010.9,  Siemens

[5]       Oversea  Cooperation: Effects of gas injection, liquid injection and wet  compression on the performance and operating envelope of R32 scroll  compressor, 2013.04~2014.3, Danfoss CC

[6]      Oversea  Cooperation: Effects of Lubricant Oil on Energy Performance of Chiller,  2013.04~ 2014.12, Danfoss DTC

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